

一、数值类型 #


  • Float :浮点数,可以理解为小数

  • Int :整数型,可以理解为整数

  • Bool :布尔型,只有”True“和”False“两种取值

  • Trigger :触发器,和布尔型很像,但只能被设为true,一旦被过渡使用就会自动被设为false(好像在VRC中没用?)

下表为VRChat数值类型(一个模型的“数值”上限为“256 bits”)

数值类型 取值范围 存储占用 备注
int 0 ~ 255 8 bits Unsigned 8-bit int.
float -1.0 ~ 1.0 8 bits Signed 8-bit minifloat
bool True or False 1 bit


二、官方数值总览 #


Name(名字) Description(描述) Type(类型) Sync(同步)
IsLocal True if the avatar is being worn locally, false otherwise Bool None
Viseme(口型) Oculus viseme index (0-14). When using Jawbone/Jawflap, range is 0-100 indicating volume Int Speech
Voice Microphone volume (0.0-1.0) Float Speech
GestureLeft(左手手势) Gesture from L hand control (0-7) Int IK
GestureRight(右手手势) Gesture from R hand control (0-7) Int IK
GestureLeftWeight Analog trigger L (0.0-1.0)† Float IK
GestureRightWeight Analog trigger R (0.0-1.0)† Float IK
AngularY Angular velocity on the Y axis Float IK
VelocityX(X方向速度) Lateral move speed in m/s Float IK
VelocityY(Y方向速度) Vertical move speed in m/s Float IK
VelocityZ(Z方向速度) Forward move speed in m/s Float IK
Upright(高度) How “upright” you are. 0 is prone, 1 is standing straight up Float IK
Grounded(地面) True if player touching ground(如果跳跃则为false) Bool IK
Seated True if player in station Bool IK
AFK Is player unavailable (HMD proximity sensor / End key) Bool IK
Expression1 – Expression16 User defined param, Int (0255) or Float (-1.01.0) Int / Float IK or Playable
TrackingType See description below Int Playable
VRMode Returns 1 if the user is in VR, 0 if they are not Int IK
MuteSelf Returns true if the user has muted themselves, false if unmuted Bool Playable
InStation Returns true if the user is in a station, false if not Bool IK

三、手势对应数值 #


Index (数值) Gesture (手势) PC按键
0 Neutral (自然) Shift+F1
1 Fist (握拳) Shift+F2
2 HandOpen (张开手) Shift+F3
3 fingerpoint (指) Shift+F4
4 Victory (剪刀手) Shift+F5
5 RockNRoll (我爱你) Shift+F6
6 HandGun (手枪) Shift+F7
7 ThumbsUp (点赞) Shift+F8

注:PC 按键:左 Shift 为左手,右 Shift为 右手

四、口型对应值 #

口型参考: Viseme Reference: Unity | Oculus Developers


Viseme Parameter Viseme
0 sil
1 PP
2 FF
3 TH
4 DD
5 kk
6 CH
7 SS
8 nn
9 RR
10 aa
11 E
12 ih
13 oh
14 ou